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It’s Up To Us To Make The System Work

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It's Up To Us To Make The System Work

Stakes Much Higher For 2024 Election

It will be up to the good people of America to guarantee election integrity. Great American patriots like Mike Lindell are working hard to do this.

It's Up To Us To Make The System Work
It's Up To Us To Make The System Work

By: bob@deprogrammingservices

It’s Up to Us to Make the System Work

Most so-called Republicans are either allied to the enemy or afraid of the enemy, and either way, they have done little to stop the enemy from cheating again (this includes congressional as well as the presidential elections). And the stakes are higher now even than they were in 2020. So what does this add up to?

Stakes Much Higher For 2024 Election

President Trump did not prosecute the Obama team for its crimes, because he appointed first an impotent fool and then a traitor as attorney general; this is the biggest black mark on his presidency, and it’s the main reason for the success of the Biden coup. Based on what enemy operatives are saying now though, they do not expect him to do this in a second term. And hopefully they are right about it.

One thing we know for sure is that the Republican political class will not stop the enemy from stealing another election; even though there are a few patriots within it, they are far too few to do much good. So it will be up to the good people of America to guarantee election integrity. Great American patriots like Mike Lindell are working hard to do this, and with enough help from us maybe they can make the system work.

Election Integrity Up To People Of America

And if they are successful, once loyal Americans take control of government, it will be up to us to raise our voice and demand that the criminal gang be brought to justice. We must not let the enemy get away with these crime sprees, because if we do, there will be no reason for them not to just keep committing more and more of them, and the crimes will just keep getting worse.

Beware Enemy Bots

Anytime I post something about elections some nitwit who thinks himself wise comments that only fools try to fix the elections or even vote in them, because smart guys know that they are too badly corrupted to be fixed. Those making these recommendations are very likely enemy bots trying to keep as many loyal Americans from voting as they can.

Vote And Join A Militia 

But if you have totally given up on elections, have you joined a militia? Or have you just given up? I recommend doing both: try to make the election system work, but be part of a militia as a plan B. But if your recommendation is to do neither, then you are here for only one purpose: to assist the enemy in driving a knife into America’s back. And no one with any sense cares what your idiot opinion is.

It was good men standing together that made America a free country in the first place, and it is only by good men and women among us now standing up that we can keep the freedom that they gave us.

These Are The Times That Try Men’s Souls

During America’s first war for freedom Thomas Paine wrote an essay titled American Crisis, that begins with these words:
THESE are the times that try men’s souls. The summer soldier and the sunshine patriot will, in this crisis, shrink from the service of their country; but he that stands by it now, deserves the love and thanks of man and woman.

This is every bit as true today as it was then, and we would do well to remember it. Don’t be a sunshine patriot; defend your country now, when it needs you most.


It’s Up To Us To Make The System Work



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