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Hillary and Soros PSYOP Behind Chicago

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Hillary and Soros PSYOP Behind Chicago

Hillary and Soros PSYOP Behind Chicago

Bernie And Supporters Being Setup As Patsies

The Hillary/Soros Campaign is using tried and proven CIA PSYOP tactics in a very sophisticated operation that is setting up the hapless Bernie Sanders campaign as fall guys

Part of the strategy is to turn the blue coller union worker pro Trump support that has been building away from Trump

If you are not familiar with a PSYOP here is a short description from Wikipedia:

Psychological operations (PSYOP) are planned operations to convey selected information and indicators to audiences to influence their emotions, motives, and objective reasoning, and ultimately the behavior of governments, organizations, groups, and individuals.

In the video below, as always, Alex Jones and Trump insider Roger Stone are ahead of the curve and lay out the scheme that is unfolding before your eyes

George Soros Takes Credit For Chicago Violence – Full SHOW

Bernie Sanders and BLM protesters go on attack at Trump rally in Chicago

Hillary and Soros PSYOP Behind Chicago

On the Sunday, March 13 broadcast of the Alex Jones Show, we look at the growing hostility nationwide in the wake of presidential frontrunner Donald Trump’s cancelled Chicago rally which saw radical and violent George Soros-backed Black Lives Matter and Bernie Sanders supporters go on the attack.

We’ll examine similar attempts to stop a Trump rally by protesters in St. Louis that resulted in bloodshed, the left’s attack on black Donald Trump supporters and the security scare against The Donald that caused secret service agents to rush the stage at a campaign speech.

Comments from political insider Roger Stone regarding Hillary Clinton’s involvement in stirring up protests against the hotel tycoon will be looked at as well as the stories buried by the mainstream media showing Donald Trump supporters and his political adversaries coming together to peacefully discuss their differences.

Hillary and Soros PSYOP Behind Chicago